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Meet the Team

Wesley Wiltshire

Wesley Wiltshire

Account Manager

Joining us in June 2024, Wesley previously worked as a Property Practitioner for six years after starting his employment journey in HR/Recruitment.

Before that he was a sports conditioning and sports science student and that is still a major passion in his life so when not at his desk, it's more than likely you'll find Wesley in the gym shifting some weights. Unless, that is, he's indulging one of his other hobbies, gaming or (and this is rather more exotic) scuba diving. Wesley is a qualified Dive Master.

Perhaps that is why one of his dream destinations is the stunning island of Bora Bora in the South Pacific.

That doesn't really explain his other favoured holiday location, though...totally land-locked Switzerland. But despite his all-action, iron-pumping, deep-diving lifestyle, Wesley does admit to having an Achilles heel. He's afraid of spiders - not keen on them at all.