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Friday 19th July 2024

What we can learn from the Paris 2024 Olympics

As the world gears up for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, there's more than just athletic talent to admire. The Olympic Games are a masterclass in branding, marketing, and advertising. Whether you’re a supplier to estate agents or letting agents, the strategies deployed by the Olympic organisers offer invaluable lessons that can be adapted to our industry. Let’s see how you can harness these insights to elevate your business.

1. Embrace the Power of Storytelling

The city’s rich history and culture are woven into every element of the branding, from the logo to the promotional videos. This storytelling approach creates a deep emotional connection with the audience, making the event memorable and engaging.

It’s not the first time we have stressed the importance and the effectiveness of storytelling as a marketing strategy. For suppliers in the property industry, storytelling can transform your brand. Highlight the history and successes of the estate agents you work with. Share testimonials and case studies that showcase how your products or services have made a difference. By creating a narrative, you make your brand relatable and trustworthy.

2. Leverage Visual Identity

The visual identity of the Paris 2024 Olympics is striking and cohesive. The logo, featuring a blend of elegance and simplicity, is instantly recognisable, with a very French touch. This consistent visual branding across all platforms ensures that the event remains top-of-mind for the audience.

Develop a strong visual identity for your brand. Ensure that your logo, website, marketing materials, and social media channels have a consistent look and feel. This not only makes your brand recognisable but also professional. In a crowded market, a distinct visual identity helps you stand out.

3. Utilise Multi-Channel Marketing

Paris 2024 employs a multi-channel marketing approach, reaching audiences through TV, social media, online ads, and live events. This widespread presence ensures that they capture the attention of diverse audience segments.

For suppliers, a multi-channel strategy is crucial. Use social media to engage with your audience, run online ads targeting estate agents and letting agents, build a strong PR marketing strategy and send emails targeting an engaged and wisely segmented database. By being present across multiple channels, you increase your visibility and attract a broader audience.

4. Create Engaging Content

The Olympic Games are more than just sports; they are about moments and experiences. Paris 2024’s content strategy focuses on creating engaging and shareable content that resonates with people worldwide.

Content is king in digital marketing. Produce high-quality, engaging content that provides value to your target audience. This could be in the form of blog posts, videos, infographics, or podcasts. Share tips, industry insights, and success stories. Engaging content not only attracts potential clients but also establishes you as an industry expert and builds trust and authority.

5. Foster Community Engagement

The Paris 2024 organisers actively engage with their audience, fostering a sense of community and inclusion. They encourage user-generated content, interactive campaigns, and social media challenges, which boosts audience participation and loyalty.

Engage with your community. Encourage clients to share their experiences with your products or services on social media. Create interactive campaigns, like competitions or polls, to foster engagement. By building a community, you create loyal clients who are likely to recommend your services to others.

6. Innovate and Disrupt

The Olympics are synonymous with innovation. Paris 2024 promises to be the most sustainable Games yet, with a focus on green technology and eco-friendly practices. This innovative approach sets them apart and appeals to the modern, environmentally conscious audience.

Innovation is key to staying relevant. Introduce new technologies or practices that can improve the services you offer to estate agents. Whether it’s using AI or offering eco-friendly products, being a leader in innovation can give you a competitive edge.

7. Align with Bigger Causes

Paris 2024 aligns itself with broader social and environmental causes, such as sustainability and inclusivity. This alignment not only enhances their brand image but also resonates deeply with today’s socially conscious consumers.

Align your brand with bigger causes. Support local communities, embrace sustainability, promote diversity and sponsor charitable actions. By showing that your brand stands for more than just profit, you build a positive reputation and connect with clients on a deeper level.


The Paris 2024 Olympic Games offer a treasure trove of branding, marketing, and advertising lessons. By embracing the above strategies, suppliers to estate agents and letting agents in the UK can elevate their marketing strategies. Take a page out of the Olympic playbook and watch your brand soar to new heights.

If you’re unsure about what approach to take for your marketing plans or about how to apply any of these strategies, do not hesitate to contact us! Email us at lee@angelsmedia.co.uk or call us on 020 8663 4989 and we’ll be delighted to help.