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Tuesday 10th September 2024

Stop creating, start repurposing: The ultimate guide to transforming your content for maximum impact

Yes. Content is STILL king. But producing fresh content every week? That’s can be a real pain. Whether you’re a supplier or an agent, constantly creating new content can feel like you’re running on a treadmill—moving fast but not necessarily getting anywhere. Here’s a little secret: you don’t need to keep reinventing the wheel. Content repurposing is your golden ticket to maximising reach, impact, and ROI without burning out.


What is content repurposing?

Content repurposing is all about taking your existing content—blogs, whitepapers, videos, infographics or social media posts—and transforming it into different formats that can be distributed across various platforms. It’s about working smarter, not harder, to amplify your message and connect with your audience wherever they are.


Why should you repurpose content?

Agents are bombarded with information daily. To cut through the noise, you need to meet them where they are, in the format they prefer.

Repurposing content allows you to:

- Maximise reach: Different platforms attract different audiences. Repurposing lets you tap into those diverse segments without starting from scratch.

- Optimise resources: Save time and money by getting more mileage out of your existing content.

- Boost SEO: More content across multiple platforms means more opportunities for search engines to find and rank you.

- Improve engagement: Reinforce your message by presenting it in various formats, making it easier for your audience to absorb.


How to Repurpose Content Like a Pro

1. Transform blogs into social media posts

That 1,000-word blog post you wrote about the latest property market trends? It’s a treasure trove waiting to be mined. Break it down into bite-sized pieces of content for your social media channels. Create a series of LinkedIn posts highlighting key insights, or craft Instagram carousels with eye-catching stats. Don’t forget X or Threads—perfect for sharing quotable nuggets and linking back to the full article.

2. Turn whitepapers into webinar content

Got a whitepaper that’s collecting digital dust? Repurpose it into a webinar. Agents love learning through visuals and discussion. Use the whitepaper’s data and insights as the backbone of your presentation. Promote the webinar using snippets from the whitepaper on social media, driving sign-ups and engagement. Post-webinar, you can further repurpose the content by sharing the recording on YouTube, your website, or even as a podcast episode.

3. Spin videos into blog posts and beyond

Videos are engaging but they can be labour-intensive to produce. Make the most of your efforts by repurposing videos into multiple formats. Transcribe the video and edit the transcript into a blog post. Pull out key quotes and statistics to create infographics or quote cards for social media. If the video featured a guest, consider turning their insights into a Q&A article or an expert roundup for your blog.

4. Convert infographics into slide decks

Infographics are visual storytelling at its finest. But don’t stop there. Use the individual elements of your infographic to create a slide deck for presentations, training sessions, or LinkedIn Slideshare. This not only repurposes your content but also extends its life and reach across different platforms.

5. Transform social media posts into email campaigns

If your social media content is getting good engagement, don’t let it fade away into the digital ether. Repurpose those posts into an email marketing campaign. Curate your top-performing social media content into a monthly newsletter. This reinforces your message and brings your social followers into your email list, where you can nurture them further.


Best Practices for Content Repurposing

- Know your audience: Different platforms attract different demographics. Tailor your repurposed content to the audience of each platform.

- Maintain consistency: While repurposing, ensure that your brand voice and message remain consistent across all formats.

- Update content: Don’t just repurpose old content – remember, it might be out of date! Refresh it with updated data, new insights, or a fresh perspective.

- Use analytics: Track which formats and platforms drive the most engagement. Double down on what works and tweak what doesn’t.


Content repurposing isn’t just a hack—it’s essential in the always evolving digital landscape. As a supplier to agents, you need to deliver value in the format that your audience craves. Repurposing lets you do just that without doubling your workload. So, stop reinventing the wheel and start making the most of what you’ve already got to amplify your message and make sure it hits the mark every time.


If you’d like to advertise your product or service across different platforms making the most of your content and repurposing it, we can help! Email us at lee@angelsmedia.co.uk or call 020 8663 4989, and we’ll be in touch soon.