Although business networking and posts should mainly be conducted via your Professional Company Page on Facebook, there are opportunities for networking and referrals via your personal Facebook Account.
Facebook, as well as other online social networking sites, allow people to share valuable information with their network which may be composed of personal relationships or professional relationships. Due to Facebook having a high level of traffic and your network most certainly visiting this site on a frequent basis, you would be missing out if you didn’t include it in your online marketing strategy.
Here are some great tips to enhance your personal Facebook account for Business Networking:
• Uploading your Graphic Image
It is important to upload a good-quality photograph so that people can see what you look like. The result is they will be able to relate to you more easily which could encourage them to be more inclined to do business with you. Also, include a good cover photo as this will add colour and character to your profile.
• Write a Good Biography
You need a biography that describes who you are and what you are doing in a compelling manner. Remember that you have very little time to capture the attention of your readers. Your friends will read this and hopefully know to refer 'market related business to you' so it is important that your business details are included.
• Add Interesting Content
It is acceptable to mix some personal and professional details on your Facebook profile. You need to make sure that you seem human so that your readers feel that they can relate to you on a personal level. Facebook provides you with a golden opportunity to share information about your business and about you as you relate to your business. By taking advantage of this, you will be positioning yourself as an industry leader and a subject matter expert. Be sure to include your company website and business location and to make this publicly visible, not hidden by security settings.
• Add a Clickable Link on your Personal Account to your Facebook Business Page
After setting up a separate professionally branded Company Page, be sure to select this page from the drop down list when typing in and adding your work information. Visitors to your Personal Facebook Profile will therefore have immediate access to your Company Page. This will assist in building your fan base likes.
• Networking
Facebook is an excellent social media channel for networking. You should network as much as possible with people who share your professional interests and goals. When sharing professional relationships through Facebook, remember to always consider the needs of your connections. As with all online connections, it is important to acknowledge and engage with them according to their interests. Avoid direct selling and discuss topics that are of interest to them.
To conclude, if you ask yourself whether your personal account on Facebook is good for business, the answer is definitely yes. Facebook in general, business pages and personal accounts combined, will prove to be a good marketing tool that will make a large contribution to the ultimate success of your business.